Intechcentras, the coordinator of the Advanced Manufacturing Digital Innovation Center, has become one of the 9 European Digital Innovation Hubs selected to participate in the international Boosting Widening Digital Innovation Hubs (BOWI) two phases support program for experience exchange and technology application.
The winners of the second Open Call for developing digital innovation hubs (DIHs), chosen amongst 35 applications from 15 regions will become part of a 21-month program activities divided into two stages and will receive up to €100,000 funding. During the BOWI support programme selected hubs will be able to refine their technology offering, business models and their role in own regional ecosystem by applying the knowledge shared by the more experienced – mature – DIHs. BOWI’s mature DIHs have long-term experience in tackling the most challenging projects and a wide network of partners that newly selected DIHs will be able to benefit from.
More about project: https://bowi-network.eu/9-selected-dihs-to-take-part-in-a-two-stage-bowi-support-programme-of-experience-exchange-and-technology-application/