Title | Year | Details | Summary |
“Multi-Agent Systems for Pervasive Artificial Intelligence for assisting Humans in Modular Production Environments” MAS4AI | 2020-2023 | Fond: Horizon2020Call: ICT-38-2020 Artificial intelligence for manufacturing | The project develops a manufacturing redesign system based on artificial intelligence technology to help companies reduce or prevent the human error factor. The project will also develop a training program to familiarize manufacturing companies with the possibilities and practical applicability of the technology. More about project: https://www.mas4ai.eu/ |
Smart InoTech for Industry | 2019-2022 | Funds: National | During this project, innovative (advisory type) audits of companies are carried out. They assess the business and manufacturing processes in the company to identify and evaluate digital innovations that could increase the company competitiveness, improve management and/or technological processes. |
aDvanced studIes in DigItalisation of MANufacturing | 2021-2022 | Funds: EIT Manufacturing (KIC) | During the project, an international non-formal short master study programme for advanced digital production is developed. This programme is designed to improve the qualifications of engineering industry graduates in the following areas of digital manufacturing: Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Automation and Robotics, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Digital Twins, etc.Benefits for companies: Five Lithuanian companies will have a possibility to train their specialists in digital technologies. |
Learning through manufacturing challenges II | 2021 | Funds: EIT Manufacturing (KIC) | The project aims to increase the innovation and Industry 4.0 potential of industrial companies by sharing success stories and best practice, with a strong focus on higher engagement of women. Benefits for companies: Digital technology training for employees of three to five Lithuanian companies, technological guidance. |
Manufacturing Skills Observatory and Competencies Framework | 2021 | Funds: EIT Manufacturing (KIC) | During the project, an automatic system for assessing employee competencies is developed to determine the level of employee knowledge in manufacturing companies and to provide qualification improvement guidance. The system is based on methodologies of FESTO Didactic and other international centers of excellence. |
Modular dECisiOn Support SYSTEm for a waste-free Manufacturing through digital support and artificial intelligence | 2021 | Funds: EIT Manufacturing (KIC) | The project develops a predictive maintenance system for manufacturing equipment suitable to small and medium enterprises. The equipment is functional, easy to integrate with various business management systems, enriched with analytical solutions of artificial intelligence, and includes a flexible and convenient maintenance and consulting service in Lithuania. |
Employee competency development of Lithuanian engineering industries (Competencies LT2) | 2019 – 2021 | Funds: National | To help manufacturing companies ensure the continuous improvement of professional employee competencies, we implement projects under the measure “Competences LT”. In the context of this project, we focus on improving the practical skills of digitization technologies in the processing industry. |
Green Manufacturing: Demonstrating technologies to fight Climate Change | 2022 | Funds: EIT Manufacturing (KIC) | Together with the Digital Innovation Hubs of our project partners abroad (in Greece, Czechia, Spain, Portugal, Estonia, Poland, Italy), the project aims to train 40 climate change consultants that can identify green manufacturing technologies and provide guidance to manufacturing companies on their practical application |
Demand-driven additive manufacturing upskilling in RIS countries | 2022 | Funds: EIT Manufacturing (KIC) | The project will build on the best practice of Finnish and Austrian technology hubs to promote additive manufacturing technologies. It will be done by adapting a training programme on basic 3D printing developed by Finland and Austria to Lithuanian and Czech manufacturing companies. The training programme will provide basic knowledge for 30 professionals. |
Smart Educational Framework for DIGItalization | 2022 | Funds: EIT Manufacturing (KIC) | The project aims to promote Industry 4.0 and digitalisation processes in manufacturing companies. It will train 50 students and/or industrial company employees from Serbia, Romania, Slovenia, Hungary and Lithuania to improve their digital skills. |
aDvanced studIes in DigItalisation of MANufacturing | 2022 | Funds: EIT Manufacturing (KIC) | The project will build on best practice from abroad (in France, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Estonia) to develop formal and non-formal training and retraining programmes in Industry 4.0 and digital manufacturing. They can be adapted to the engineering education ecosystem in Lithuania: a) a Master’s degree programme in Digital Manufacturing; b) a Summer School programme in Digital Manufacturing; c) a Digital Manufacturing Curriculum. These programmes are designed to help engineering professionals to continuously improve their knowledge and skills in Industry 4.0 and digital manufacturing, as well as to contribute to lifelong learning implementation. |
Boosting Widening Digital Inovation Hubs (BOWI) | 2022-2023 | Fond: Horizon2020 | The project will develop the technology supply, improve business models and their role in the ecosystem of the Central Lithuania region, and apply know-how and best practices shared by international digital innovation hubs that feature higher maturity and extensive experience. https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/873155 |