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Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing through Digital Solutions: A Look at SUS4

Energy efficiency has become a critical focus in today’s industrial landscape, driven by the need to reduce operational costs, improve sustainability, and address climate change. As the International Energy Agency (IEA) highlights, energy efficiency is the “first fuel” in the global effort to cut CO2 emissions, lower energy costs, and ensure energy security during the […]

Learning about implementing and using a Digital Process Twin in a production value chain – LeaDTchain project

THE CHALLENGE Industrial companies are continuously confronted with new challenges such as shorter product life cycles, higher process complexity due to the individualization of products and an increasing need for a sustainable business. A Digital Process Twin (DPT) can help companies to remain competitive and overcome these challenges. The DPT collects real data in production, […]

1st Open call to SMES

Open Call for Experiments on AI-in-Manufacturing Are you an SME that wants to test AI in your shopfloor? Our Open Call One calls for proposals where AI plays a key role in your manufacturing environment. We support you with expertise in the fields of: Our services will enable you to realise AI driven manufacutring solutions […]

Invotation to Hackathon !

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation (LMS), University of Patras, is organizing a Hackathon for the EIT-funded activity Demo4Green.   We invite students, researchers, and digital professionals to join and use their skills to develop solutions that address sustainability challenges.   During the hackathon, teams will present their solutions, and the winners will receive cash […]

Welcome Advanced Manufacturing DIH to DIH2 network !

The Advanced Manufacturing DIH, coordinated by Intechcentras, has become a member of DIH2, the pan-European network of robotics and digital innovation hubs!   DIH2 aims to bring together the competences of 170 of strongest DIHs in Europe to create innovations that increase productivity, optimise production flexibility, improve the cost-effectiveness of advanced robotics solutions and stimulate […]

The VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., has become a mentor for the Advanced Manufacturing DIH

More great news! Europe’s Innovation Flagship, the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., has become a mentor for the Advanced Manufacturing DIH (Digital Innovation Hub). Together with the support and best practice of the VTT research centre, the BOWI project (Boosting Widening Digital Innovation Hubs) will help us to grow the technology offer of […]


Technology Centre InTechCentras shares its impressions from the study visit of 18 November 2021 to the MADE Competency Center Industry 4.0 in Milan, Italy (established in 2019, covering 2,500 sq. m., € 9.6 million of investment, 46 technology partners). During the study visit, the participants learned about the Center activities and the demonstrated technologies, such […]


Intechcentras, the coordinator of the Advanced Manufacturing Digital Innovation Center, has become one of the 9 European Digital Innovation Hubs selected to participate in the international Boosting Widening Digital Innovation Hubs (BOWI) two phases support program for experience exchange and technology application. The winners of the second Open Call for developing digital innovation hubs (DIHs), […]


This past April, the team of Intechcentras developed two international competitive applications for EU funding under the 2nd Open Call of the consortium WeldGalaxy. This time we have delved into the innovation in welding equipment and robotics technologies. A consortium of ABB, UAB, a new member of the association LINPRA, and UAB Stansefabrikken have also […]


In January, for companies aiming to get funding for the promotion of product and service sales, the Technology Center InTechCentras developed as many as three international applications under open calls for EU funds. The total value of the applications is 450,000 EUR, and the funding intensity is 100%! We can also help your manufacturing company […]